We provide environmental services to clients worldwide

ESIA Consult provides enviromental and social impact assessment and associated services internationally across a range of industry sectors. ESIA Consult and its associates has over 30 years' experience in providing environmental and social services to clients in over 70 countries.

Ports and Maritime

ESIA Consult’s highly skilled staff and associates have significant experience in all aspects of marine infrastructure and the associated ESIA requirements. We address critical issues in an innovative way to achieve sustainable engineering, environmental and social development outcomes.
Our services include:
• ESIAs, technical and monitoring studies;
• Dredging, Sea Disposal and Reclamation Studies;
• Hydrodynamic modelling and coastal processes analysis;
• Approvals Negotiation, Permitting and Conditioning;
• Development and Negotiation of Offsets Strategies;
• Marine flora and fauna surveys (mega fauna, benthic, etc);
• Endangered species assessments and management plans
• Underwater Noise and Acoustic Assessments;
• Risk Assessments and Analysis.

Resources (Oil, Gas and Mining)

ESIA Consult undertakes ESIAs and provide strategic advice to energy and resource companies in the approval, development, operation and decommissioning stages. We focus on sustainable solutions. We provide our clients with strategic advice on approaches to protect the community and environment that reduce risk and are cost effective.
Our services include:
• Oil, Gas and Mining ESIAs, technical and monitoring studies;
• Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas emissions advice;
• Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Resource Use;
• Air, Noise, Waste and Water, Modelling and Management etc;
• Environmental Management Systems and Management Plans;
• Community Management and Engagement;
• Cultural Heritage and Indigenous Peoples’ Assessments;
• Land Acquisition and Resettlement Planning.

Water and Wastewater

ESIA Consult can deliver comprehensive water management strategies to maximise the protection of this precious resource and minimise the potential negative impacts on communities and ecosystems. Our services include:
• Climate change risk assessment;
• Catchment management;
• Water use and re-use;
• Due diligence reviews;
• Strategic advice on regulatory and policy frameworks;
• Flood studies and inundation assessment;
• Hydraulic and hydrological investigations;
• Sediment and erosion control plans;
Ecological surveys, water quality modelling and analysis


ESIA Consult has extensive experience providing advice on marine infrastructure and resource projects, their associated social risks and community development opportunities. We have advised in relation to:
• Linear infrastructure including roads, rail , airports and pipelines;
• Buildings including houses, hospitals warehouses etc;
• Waste Water and Solid Waste Management;
• Climate Change Risk Assessments including biodiversity, coastal and infrastructure vulnerability assessments;
• Security and Human Rights Risk Assessments;
• Capacity Building of local staff in environmental and social management;
• Advice on decommissioning and rehabilitation

Waste Management and Sanitation

Waste streams can be very diverse and vary temporally. The value of a waste stream can be worth billions. Its uses include recycling for end markets; energy production for businesses/homes and composts/soils. ESIA Consult provides strategic common sense solutions to improve our client’s understanding of waste streams to increase value extraction. We focus on quantifying impacts to mission-critical metrics, increase cost savings, employment, recycling and capture rates, enhancing operational productivity and reducing carbon emissions. We assist our clients to balance commercial waste management realities with environmental and social protection.
Our services include:
• Waste stream characterisation and waste audits;
• ‘Industrial ecology’ and sustainability strategies;
• Waste handling and landfill site assessments;
• Contamination assessment and remediation strategies
• Stakeholder engagement and education programs.

Climate Change, Sustainability and Resilience

We are helping our clients meet the challenges of climate change and sustainability head on. From project design through to implementation, we are providing climate impact and risk assessments, advising on climate change adaptation strategies and helping to build more resilient communities.

About Us

ESIA Consult provides international environmental impact assessments (EIA), environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA), cumulative impact assessments (CIA); strategic environmental and social assessments (SESA), climate change and legal services internationally. ESIA Consult provides our clients with highly experienced teams with in-country experience. We have extensive experience working with governments, private sector, lenders, multi-lateral development banks (Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank (WBG), International Finance Corporation (IFC), etc), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and donors in undertaking ESIA, SESA, CIA, climate change adaptation and mitigation, capacity building, fisheries, coastal and marine, safeguard development, and writing/improving laws, regulations, policies, guidelines and procedures consistent with international requirements.

ESIA Consult has undertaken many large, complex environmental, environmental and social, cumulative and strategic assessments (and associated technical studies) and provided associated legal advice to our clients. ESIA Consult and its associates have over 40 years’ experience in providing environmental and social services to clients in over 100 countries.  Our team has significant experience working in LDCs and SIDs, as well as fragile and conflict-affected countries, particularly in Southeast Asia.

ESIA Consult provides its clients with a “best for project”  ESIA and project management solution.  Our staff and associates have experience and expertise in agriculture, dams, geothermal, mining, oil and gas (on and offshore), power generation and distribution, road, rail, sanitation, telecommunications, transport, urban development and tourism, waste water treatment plants and ocean outfalls, water pipelines, wind farms and very large port developments in the Asia Pacific Region.

Our global exposure in combination with trusted local partners supports our clients to achieve sustainable project outcomes in relation to their environmental and social requirements to gain project approval underpinned by robust management systems.

Our Team

Our team includes an extensive network of international and local practitioners who are highly experienced air, climate change and disaster risk management, aquatic, terrestrial and marine ecologists, environmental and financial economists, engineers, evaluation and monitoring, fisheries, geologists, geomorphologists, GIS, human rights, hydrogeologist, hydrologists, international development, modellers, noise, urban and regional planning, project management, resettlement, gender and indigenous peoples’, social development, sustainability, environmental and water engineers, and water quality practitioners / specialists. All our team have extensive exposure in the region and experience undertaking projects consistent with International Finance Corporation/World Bank Safeguards and Performance Standards. ESIA Consult is accredited /registered with Asia Pacific Governments to prepare ESIAs; and have worked very closely with many Governments in reviewing ESIAs and undertaking capacity building.

Peter Wulf


Peter is a Scientist, Barrister (Lawyer), part-time Judge, Mediator and Project Director with 30 years experience leading very large environmental and social, cumulative impact, climate change, disaster risk management and legal projects. Peter’s specialty is finding practical economical and sustainable solutions to extremely complex situations associated with large ESIAs, CIAs, strategic impact assessments and general projects. Peter has been integral in the development of the ESIA and CIA Guidelines/Frameworks for numerous South East Asian and Pacific nations and is regularly engaged to peer review ESIAs, CIAs and other complex documents. Peter has extensive experience in primary industries (agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries etc).

Phillip Hawes


Phillip is an Environmental Scientist and Project Director with over 30 years experience in a wide variety of industries, managing both environmental and engineering teams. Phillip’s broad-based experience includes areas as diverse as EIA, project management, cultural heritage management, extractive industries, estuarine and wetland ecology, sewage studies, contamination assessment andremediation, water quality, management plans, and habitat modification. He has extensive experience in the management of both field and office based teams, with a real focus on environmental management, health and safety.


One of the drivers of increasing costs is non-technical risk – one of the biggest challenges facing companies. To combat this, it’s imperative that you engage early with stakeholders and build sincere lasting relationships. This will help to reduce the potential for delays and increased spending. Upfront investment in evaluating and planning to address stakeholder issues yields dividends across the project lifecycle. The integration of environmental, economic, cultural and social issues in design development and execution strategies is fundamental to reducing complexity (and cost). Importantly, it accelerates project approval, as key stakeholders are able to make informed decisions. We provide tailored environmental and social support for your company across the project lifecycle. At the start of a project, we focus on identifying the key issues influencing project approval and government, non-government and community information needs. We support our clients in developing lasting relationships with their stakeholders, facilitating trust and effective engagement. We partner with our clients in managing the technical and non-technical risks associated with project approvals, construction and operations, compliance and performance management, corporate social responsibility and asset closure and rehabilitation. The right support will help you navigate your project through dynamic political, social and economic landscapes.

Environmental and social impact assessment, permitting and approvals

We work with our clients to provide timely, accessible and transparent environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA), as well as environmental approval documents that address the complexities of government legislation and guidelines. The result is faster, positive government decision-making, stakeholder confidence and community reassurance.
We manage major projects from the initial scoping stage to site selection and baseline studies, such as the ESIA, through to project approval. We liaise and consult with government agencies, the community and other stakeholders throughout the project.
We incorporate information from baseline assessments, and use a robust methodology to assess potential impacts to the environment and the community. We propose suitable mitigation and management measures to address potential impacts and integrate these into the construction and operational phases.

Site and route selection, project design optimisation and land use planning

The primary mitigation for addressing and avoiding environmental, cultural and social impacts by design is thoughtful site and route selection.
Supported by technology including GPS, GIS and spatial analysis, our specialists will apply their considerable experience to identify sites and routes that minimise adverse environmental, cultural and social impacts.
We will help you in design development by conceptualising options for addressing potential impacts based on our experience. We have delivered measurable savings to many clients, whilst minimising environmental damage and social unease.
Through our outcome based approach and knowledge of development activities, we will support you in negotiating approval and licence conditions, ensuring practicable management measures and monitoring requirements.

Environmental baseline assessments and monitoring

We help our clients to understand the biophysical environment that surrounds them by providing specialist technical baseline assessment and monitoring services across a wide range of environmental disciplines and geographic locations.
Our team of environmental specialists routinely conduct environmental baseline assessments and monitoring in some of the world’s most interesting and challenging locations.

Social baseline assessments and monitoring

We can provide a deep understanding of the social environment in which you operate. Our socio-economic baselines provide an accurate synopsis of community characteristics and emerging issues. With the proven ability to gather reliable primary data in the most remote and volatile environments, our experienced field practitioners know the right questions to ask. We appreciate that first impressions matter. Our field practitioners work closely with the community to introduce projects and initiatives in a positive way, laying the groundwork for effective partnerships.
With our team of monitoring and evaluation specialists, we tailor evaluation frameworks to keep you informed. A social licence to operate can be difficult to establish and maintain, so we provide you with reliable information which provides an understanding of the perceptions of the host communities that may be influenced by your project.

Social performance and stakeholder management

Our team will help you to attain your social performance goals. We integrate social research and analysis, social impact assessment, stakeholder engagement, and monitoring and evaluation. You’ll understand the social environment and its risks, and together we’ll develop a strategy for addressing them.
Using collaborative and inclusive communication, we’ll help you develop a productive partnership with local communities to deliver mutually beneficial results. Just like our environmental outcomes, we’ll ensure that your social impact management strategies align with your business-as-usual operations.

Environmental performance management

Never has it been more important to obtain and maintain a ‘social license to operate’, that is demonstrate to regulators, the community and the wider public, that your company’s environmental and social performance is ‘up to scratch’. Whether it’s complying with national regulations, international standards or best practice; poor performance can have serious legal, financial and reputational implications.
To safe guard your company, sound environmental risk frameworks should underpin all decision making. This may include adherence to specific financial institution measures such as World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC) performance standards. It may also mean improving your environmental performance through the continuous enhancement and rigour of an environmental management system.
We work with clients to improve their internal and /or project environmental management systems so that compliance is achieved, risks are managed and serious environmental incidents are avoided.

Get in Touch

pete@esiaconsult.com phillip@esiaconsult.com
+61 409 344 560                      
24th Floor, Hang Wai Commercial Building,
231-233 Queens Road, East Wanchai,
Hong Kong

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